Locations to Study on Campus: Dos and Don’ts

Finding good places to study and get work done on campus can feel daunting. If you are like me, you struggle to focus if you’re not in the perfect spot. But don’t worry: I’m here to help you with some do’s and don’ts I’ve learned over the years!

DO: Find a Quiet Study Space

white wooden shelf with books

The most ideal study space is a quiet location where you can be in your own world and focus. There are many private study rooms available for you to rent out on 25 Live all around campus. If a room to yourself makes focusing more difficult, you can always go to the library. As you move to higher floors of the library, the quieter the environment becomes. If you want a quiet area with menial distractions, I would avoid the first floor- as it is often more crowded than the other floors.

DON’T: Study in Your Dorm Room

Men and Women inside Their Dorm Room

In my opinion, the worst place to study on campus is your dorm room or sleep space. I mistakenly studied in my dorm during my first semester and I hated going back there each night, because I associated it with homework rather than sleep. According to an article from My eLearning World, it’s easy to get overly comfortable while studying in your room. This means that you can grow bored and tired quickly, turning to watch TV or napping instead of studying. Roommates can also act as additional distractions when you are trying to get your work done.

DO: Find an Empty Classroom

brown wooden table with chairs

There are many classrooms around campus that are unoccupied at certain times during the day. These empty rooms are typically available for you to use. An empty classroom is a great place for a group study session or to work on a group project. They give you a private space to really focus and get your work completed. Empty classrooms also allow you and your friends to do your separate work together in a private workplace.

DON’T: Study on the Shuttle

commuters on a bus

The shuttle should be a quick hop on and hop off type of thing, and all the movement can be super distracting. All the stop and go, and on and off the shuttle creates an environment that is the opposite of a study space.

DO: Go Outside

people playing soccer on green grass field during daytime

After studying for hours, sometimes you need a change of scenery or some fresh air, so going outside is a great option! There are many places outdoors that are great study spots around campus. According to an article from The University of Arizona, spending time outside improves mental clarity and promotes relaxation. These benefits of spending time outside can lead to more effective studying.

DON’T: Study in the Dining Hall

brown wooden pedestal table and chairs

Studying in the dining hall can be a hit or miss depending on the time of day and where you study. Good luck if you ever want to study in the Sykes cafeteria. This dining hall is not the best place to study due to the amount of people. Lawrence is not a terrible place to study if you sat in the right place at the right times. It’s never good to study around things that can take your attention away from your work such as nearby conversations and food.

DO: Study in a Shared Apartment Space

three men laughing while looking in the laptop inside room

After these couple weeks of me living in my south campus apartment, I have found that doing work in the living area has been much more efficient for me. Working in the living area helps me to focus more and I’m surrounded by less distractions. Compared to studying in a dorm or bedroom, a shared living space is still comfortable, but it is not an area you associate with sleep.

DON’T: Stay in One Location

shadow of person on gray surface

Staying in one location for too long leads to boredom, and can be less efficient in getting your work done. Studying in one place for too long can get comfortable, and your mind may start to wander. According to an article by Absolutely Studying, changing locations helps to refresh your surroundings and help you focus better.

DO: Eliminate Distractions

Eliminating distractions is the number one best tip for studying. Being distracted leads to less focus on the work you have to do. Finding locations with minimal distractions will help you study more efficiently.

Sometimes it can be really difficult to find a study routine that works for you. I hope these study tips will help you to have a more successful semester!