Publicists have the responsibility of portraying their client to the public eye in a positive light. They constantly manage their client’s day to day relations with the media and other major social media accounts. They’re also responsible for scheduling events, speaking engagements, interviews, and public appearances for their clients. When they arrange these events for their client it helps them maintain constant exposure to the public eye and the media. Occasionally, publicists create buzz around new products associated with their client. This can help increase their amount of sales and demand. People often seek out a publicist when they need a second pair of eyes to monitor their reputation and how they are being painted in news outlets.

Work Environment

Publicists work with someone who is concerned with their reputation and relationship with the public. They engage with a variety of clientele such as companies, celebrities, or public figures. Publicists also can take on projects that need promotion or a specific message delivered to the public. Regardless of the client, their work is often done in an office and occasionally traveling to events.

Education and Experience

Publicists typically need either a bachelor’s degree in public relations, journalism, communications, business or english. These majors are required to optimize their ability in representing their client. Besides education, they also need to have a positive personality and be socially aware of the current trends. Additionally, making sure they stay up to date with technology and social media is crucial to maintaining the popularity of the client.


A publicist’s salary varies on the types of clients they are representing. Their median annual salary as of 2019 is $45,000, which would include smaller clientele and businesses. The top ten percent earning publicists can earn more than $65,000 when representing celebrities and large businesses.

How to Prepare

If someone is planning on pursuing a career as a publicist, they should apply to internships or work as a publicity assistant. Working at these will help them make connections and potentially find a job soon after graduating from college. Taking a dual major can also help broaden the types of clients they can represent. Also, creating a plan for their future is always a great way for college students to accomplish their goals.

Job Outlook

Publicists will often find many clients through word of mouth and talk among their current clients. Many will recruit them as their publicist if they have seen them handle past public crises well. Many people who choose to be a publicist usually strive to manage large clientele like big companies and celebrities. Unfortunately, only a few publicists will accomplish this goal and it takes years of experience to build big relationships such as those.


Become a publicist: Education and career roadmap. (2020, July 10). Retrieved September 8, 2020, from

Deahl, R. (2019, June 18). What does a publicist do? Thebalancecareers.

Glassdoor. (n.d.). Publicist job description. Glassdoor. Retrieved September 8, 2020, from